I love to cook, which works out really well because Cliff can't cook anything.  Except frozen pizza.  And over the past few weeks, the verdict has still been out on that.

Long story short, a few weeks ago I was having a bout with anemia and was ex.haust.ed.  I fell asleep late afternoon and was still sleeping into the evening.  Cliff being sweet-as-can-be decided to put a frozen pizza in the oven. 

He woke me up just as the kitchen timer went off.  I went into the kitchen with him, he opened the oven door, then announced that it wasn't done yet.  I told him to just set the timer for three or four more minutes and check it again. 

I saw him press some buttons and then proudly turn around and lean his backside against the oven.  People, I'm not kidding...it wasn't 30 seconds later and I heard him swiftly turn around, open the oven door, and gasp loudly.  I turned to look, and this is what I saw:

I was confused.  How did that happen?  Then Cliff explained that he had switched the oven to broil.  High broil. 

So, as you've learned by now, this gave me plenty of leeway for teasing.

Until tonight.

I've been staying up late this week, so by the time I gave up in the office this evening, I was tired.  Tired = frozen pizza.  I popped it in the oven, checked it when the timer beeped, and told Cliff to watch me as I switched the oven to high broil and watched to prevent burning.

I had just turned on the oven light and set my eyes on the top rack when Cliff's phone rang.  It was someone calling to buy a puppy.  I was listening to Cliff's end of the conversation.  Realizing he was talking to someone that wanted photos of the pups, but didn't have an email address, I started daydreaming about the wildly unique characters I've met since dating Cliff and even more since these pups entered our lives. 

Then I heard a sizzle.

#&!$?  I had taken my eyes off the oven!  I turned to look, and this is what I saw:

I know!  I think mine was worse!  Lucky for me, Cliff thinks I'm an excellent cook--even when it comes to frozen pizza. 

(Bonus! We both actually kind of ended up liking it with a crispy top and gooey cheese underneath.)
1 Response
  1. RachellOv Says:

    Love reading your blog, Jenn. It makes me want to get mine up and going. I seriously have 10 blog updates in "draft" status.