Wii Sports already feels pretty archaic to me. But Cliff has gotten on a Wii Sports Baseball kick lately, and it reminds me of my fun Fridays playing Wii with the kids at school last year, so he can usually talk me into a quick game.
Baseball, however, does no favors for my Mii pro status. When I play, it's sad.
Cliff got himself a pretty high pro status on his own. Then he decided that he was an ace at pitching, but needed some help with batting. He asked me, I made him sign in baseball sweat that he understood how bad I was at the game, and then I came in as all-time pinch batter.
But, we play as one person, Cliff's Mii, versus the computer.
And Cliff is left-handed.
And I am right handed.
So, when he asked for my help, he had me sign in nervousness sweat that I would bat with my non-dominant left hand.
I was up. First swing. Home run. Second swing. Home run. Okay, so maybe my whole life I've been playing Wii baseball with the wrong arm.
Things were going well. He was throwing strikes and I was hitting runners home. And that made the Wii really mad. The Wii pitcher started throwing splitters and screwballs and I was striking out. But, then I got the hang of it and hit a couple of splitters. The Wii pitcher started sweating (literally, it's so cute!) and we continued to up Cliff's pro status. And that made the Wii madder than Mel (Gibson on a rant.) And then we lost a game. And then I was mad. And Cliff relentlessly cheered me on.
We made a comeback, but my ego was still hurt. We had to switch over and play as my Mii back on the beginner level to make sure I hadn't lost my touch. We won our first game on the mercy rule, so I guess we've still got it.
And then I pulled an arm muscle.
Baseball, however, does no favors for my Mii pro status. When I play, it's sad.
Cliff got himself a pretty high pro status on his own. Then he decided that he was an ace at pitching, but needed some help with batting. He asked me, I made him sign in baseball sweat that he understood how bad I was at the game, and then I came in as all-time pinch batter.
But, we play as one person, Cliff's Mii, versus the computer.
And Cliff is left-handed.
And I am right handed.
So, when he asked for my help, he had me sign in nervousness sweat that I would bat with my non-dominant left hand.
I was up. First swing. Home run. Second swing. Home run. Okay, so maybe my whole life I've been playing Wii baseball with the wrong arm.
Things were going well. He was throwing strikes and I was hitting runners home. And that made the Wii really mad. The Wii pitcher started throwing splitters and screwballs and I was striking out. But, then I got the hang of it and hit a couple of splitters. The Wii pitcher started sweating (literally, it's so cute!) and we continued to up Cliff's pro status. And that made the Wii madder than Mel (Gibson on a rant.) And then we lost a game. And then I was mad. And Cliff relentlessly cheered me on.
We made a comeback, but my ego was still hurt. We had to switch over and play as my Mii back on the beginner level to make sure I hadn't lost my touch. We won our first game on the mercy rule, so I guess we've still got it.
And then I pulled an arm muscle.