Facebook keeps contacting me through my Night Owl page to instruct me to ask my followers a question. Facebook also keeps claiming that it's the best way to increase business and gain followers. So, I gave in and posted a question to our followers: What fun and creative projects are you working on right now?
Although I'd like to say that my facebook message box was chock-full of interesting and exciting fits of creativity, the question only produced a grand totaling response of ... ZERO!
So, at the risk of being completely talk-to-the-hand'ed again, this blog post invites reader participation.
Although I'd like to say that my facebook message box was chock-full of interesting and exciting fits of creativity, the question only produced a grand totaling response of ... ZERO!
So, at the risk of being completely talk-to-the-hand'ed again, this blog post invites reader participation.
Every time Cliff and I go to the library, we get a little chuckle out of a sign posted at the top of the main stairwell stating "Everyone can read large print!" I'm not sure if it means "everyone" as in "even Helen Keller" or "everyone" as in "large print isn't reserved just for the elderly." I take it to mean the latter. Which is why I checked out my last book in the only version available--large print.
This, in conjunction with the fact that I just got glasses (again, more on that later), gave Cliff plenty of teasing material which was lucky for him after all my recent gigging about his new dating prospects.
When he looked over at me reading on the couch:
We can both read your book. You right here and me from outer space!
When I commented that I had forgotten to put my glasses on:
You don't need your glasses for that book. Ray Charles could read that book.
While I was reading in bed:
Google called and asked you to close your book. It's showing up on Google Earth and distracting some people.
When I asked him if he could read my book from across the room:
Yes. The letter T just jumped out at me...and hit me in the face.
So, if you have a funny one-liner that would fit this situation, I'd get a kick out of hearing it! (This is the part where you participate...or not...I now know better than to expect increased blog views because of this.)
Whenever your date involves large print... Remember, it is true that the smell of Ben-gay is an aphrodisiac.
"EVERYONE CAN READ LARGE PRINT", sounds like a new reading program.
Sell that to reading teachers everywhere and you will make a fortune, plus it will help them to teach ALL students to read. Teachers everywhere will love you!