Cliff and I both really like to read.  We also both really like the library.  We try to have a date once a week at the library.  It doesn't always happen, but when it does, my favorite part is being surprised by what Cliff checks out when we leave.

I keep a running list on my iPhone of the books I want to read.  I choose one available book from the list to take home.  Cliff just walks down the aisles and aisles of books, until he sees things he likes.  He takes eight to ten books home.  We both look at CDs and DVDs and periodicals and Wii games, and take some of those home, too.  I like new books.  He likes old books.

So, my check out list will look like this:
(Book) Where'd you go Bernadette
(DVD) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

That's it.

And Cliff's check out list will look like this:
(Book) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(Book) East of Eden by John Steinbeck
(Book) The Short Novels of Tolstoy
(Book) Travels with Charley by Steinbeck
(Book) Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
(Book) Islands in the Stream by Hemingway
(Book) The Big Book of Country Music
(Book) The Life of Vince Lombardi
(DVD) Bela Fleck Brings the Banjo Back to Africa
(DVD) Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures
(DVD) Into the Deep--America, Whaling the World

So, yesterday, when we were at the check-out counter and the librarian just started cracking up as she was scanning Cliff's books, I said:

"What?  Is it the 'Ultimate Guide to Squirrel Hunting'?"


"Is it 'The Practical Pet Owner's Guide to Impractical Pets'?"


"It must be 'Pimps, Johns, and Prostitutes of Moberly, Missouri'?"


Finally, the librarian said:

"I am just laughing that he's checking out a book with the word "Varmit" in it.

So, it was the book on hunting small varmits that got her.

He reads them.  He enjoys them.  And I enjoy the surprise of what he'll bring home.

And lucky for me, today while we were eating breakfast, the Whaling documentary just happened to be at the part where the Whalers were lost at sea and drawing straws for who would sacrifice himself for the others to eat.  Even luckier, it went into great detail about the process of eating another human being.  So, BONUS!  I saved some calories by not being able to finish my pancakes!

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