The first time I ever bowled, my score was seven.  SEVEN.   That's seven pins knocked down the entire set of ten frames.  I was only seven years old and I obviously didn't have gutter guards.  It was a long game. 
Somehow, I still think bowling is fun.  I'm still not very good, but I can usually knock down seven pins per frame now, instead of seven per game. 
Cliff, my brother Jacob, and I went bowling for our birthdays in March.  (Jacob and I share a birthday and Cliff's is a week later.)  Of course, we had to turn it into more than a regular night of bowling. 
The first game was a regular round.  I actually took the win in the tenth frame.

*Jake is player 1, I am player 2, and Cliff is player 3.

In the second round, we bowled with our dominant hand on even frames and our non-dominant hand on odd frames.  This was my idea and I wasn't even sure I could do it when it was my turn.  It turned out that we were all three better with our non-dominant hands.  And Cliff was much better with his right hand.  He blew us out of the water and beat his score in the first round by 42 points.

For the third game, we created different challenges for every other frame.  For frame two we had to walk like a chicken (bocking included) up to the lane.  For frame four we had to scissor step up to the lane.  For another frame we had to spin in a 360 degree circle up to the lane.  And for another we had to do the running man (which I don't think any of us can do regularly anyway) up to the lane.  Clearly, we were mostly laughing.  And so was everyone else in the bowling alley.  Cliff pulled ahead and won by one point.

In the last game, we played another regular round.  Jacob got the win and we all went home happy.

Oh, and if you read my post Giddy Up!, then you already know that even though I bowled a 117 in the fourth game, I left the alley wanting to join a league.
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