I completed another trip around the sun on Friday, and although physically and mentally I still feel young, I think I am officially old. Here's how I know:
1. I forgot how to celebrate.
I couldn't think of a single thing I wanted to do for my birthday. Starting the day before by celebrating St. Patty's was out, beer and shots were out, a bar and live band were out, really anything past 7pm or involving alcohol, smoke, or loud noises was out without a babysitter planned. Seriously, nothing would come to mind. Mainly, we are so overly busy this time of year, that I couldn't imagine having time to do something just for me. We considered driving to KC for a visit to IKEA, but when it came down to it, I just didn't want to hold Finley hostage in the car for six hours to just hold him hostage longer through the maze of IKEA. In the end, I decided I just wanted to sleep in and have doughnuts for breakfast.
2. I completely forgot it was my birthday.
When I did wake up the morning of my birthday (after sleeping in, yay!) I picked up my phone and had several texts and facebook notifications. My immediate thought was, "Oh no, something terrible has happened! Why are all of these people trying to get ahold of me?" I felt a heavy dread until I realized they were all happy birthday messages.
3. We can't get ready to go anywhere fast.
We didn't go for doughnuts because by the time I got up and ready, we managed our daily household tasks, and we got a 1 1 /2 year old ready and packed, it was lunchtime. So, we went to Columbia instead. Of course, since nice restaurants are out when you have a toddler in tow, we had lunch at Five Guys.
4. Activities from my childhood seem "retro."
We stopped by the mall for some shopping and ended up spending the day at the arcade. And it seemed like a retro celebration. We had SO. MUCH. FUN.
5. I no longer look athletic doing athletic activites. (For the record, maybe I never did.)
First, Cliff and I played Pop-A-Shot--one of my all time favorite games. Finley laughed SO HARD the entire time. He thought it was funny from all angles. He laughed non-stop. And then we both laughed when I beat Cliff.
6. Our toddler beat us at an arcade game.
We played ski ball, racing games, and eighteen holes of mini golf. We still had some coins to use so we spent them on a game that required bouncing ping pong balls into goldfish bowls. Finley beat us both.
7. I was in bed so much earlier than I was for birthday celebrations of the past.
We dropped Finley off at my parents' house and picked up my brother (who I share a birthday with!) and went bowling. We bowled four games between 7:00pm and 10:00pm, which would have been a precursor to events in previous years. Instead, we were all three ready to go home and hit the hay. Embarrassing.
8. I drank so little.
When the day was over, I had only consumed one beer. Just one. And that was okay with me.
9. I forgot to take pictures.
It used to be that pictures from birthday celebrations probably weren't appropriate for public sharing. This year, I just completely forgot to take any.
Saturday and Sunday consisted of being pretty lazy and celebrations with our parents and siblings. It turned out to be a very fun birthday weekend, even though I'm now old.
Oh, and Sunday morning I woke up and Cliff and Finley had gone out and gotten those doughnuts.
1. I forgot how to celebrate.
I couldn't think of a single thing I wanted to do for my birthday. Starting the day before by celebrating St. Patty's was out, beer and shots were out, a bar and live band were out, really anything past 7pm or involving alcohol, smoke, or loud noises was out without a babysitter planned. Seriously, nothing would come to mind. Mainly, we are so overly busy this time of year, that I couldn't imagine having time to do something just for me. We considered driving to KC for a visit to IKEA, but when it came down to it, I just didn't want to hold Finley hostage in the car for six hours to just hold him hostage longer through the maze of IKEA. In the end, I decided I just wanted to sleep in and have doughnuts for breakfast.
2. I completely forgot it was my birthday.
When I did wake up the morning of my birthday (after sleeping in, yay!) I picked up my phone and had several texts and facebook notifications. My immediate thought was, "Oh no, something terrible has happened! Why are all of these people trying to get ahold of me?" I felt a heavy dread until I realized they were all happy birthday messages.
3. We can't get ready to go anywhere fast.
We didn't go for doughnuts because by the time I got up and ready, we managed our daily household tasks, and we got a 1 1 /2 year old ready and packed, it was lunchtime. So, we went to Columbia instead. Of course, since nice restaurants are out when you have a toddler in tow, we had lunch at Five Guys.
4. Activities from my childhood seem "retro."
We stopped by the mall for some shopping and ended up spending the day at the arcade. And it seemed like a retro celebration. We had SO. MUCH. FUN.
5. I no longer look athletic doing athletic activites. (For the record, maybe I never did.)
First, Cliff and I played Pop-A-Shot--one of my all time favorite games. Finley laughed SO HARD the entire time. He thought it was funny from all angles. He laughed non-stop. And then we both laughed when I beat Cliff.
6. Our toddler beat us at an arcade game.
We played ski ball, racing games, and eighteen holes of mini golf. We still had some coins to use so we spent them on a game that required bouncing ping pong balls into goldfish bowls. Finley beat us both.
7. I was in bed so much earlier than I was for birthday celebrations of the past.
We dropped Finley off at my parents' house and picked up my brother (who I share a birthday with!) and went bowling. We bowled four games between 7:00pm and 10:00pm, which would have been a precursor to events in previous years. Instead, we were all three ready to go home and hit the hay. Embarrassing.
8. I drank so little.
When the day was over, I had only consumed one beer. Just one. And that was okay with me.
9. I forgot to take pictures.
It used to be that pictures from birthday celebrations probably weren't appropriate for public sharing. This year, I just completely forgot to take any.
Saturday and Sunday consisted of being pretty lazy and celebrations with our parents and siblings. It turned out to be a very fun birthday weekend, even though I'm now old.
Oh, and Sunday morning I woke up and Cliff and Finley had gone out and gotten those doughnuts.