So I have once again been MIA.  Unfortunately, it's still not because we were wintering in Spain, but because we have another little boy on the way; due in November.  In case you don't remember how terrible the first trimester of pregnancy is for me, you can re-read this post from April 2014.
Yep, everything was the same this time, except I was working at the office more and chasing a toddler around.  However, the bonus is we're not running a campaign this time.
While running to the bathroom to vomit multiple times a day during the first three months, I tried to make myself believe I was just like Duchess Kate Middleton, who suffers from Hyperemesis Gravidarum during her pregnancies, but it's really hard to make yourself believe that when you're wearing no pants, no bra, and have no servants or nannies to take care of everything for you.  But, we have finally moved through to the second trimester and I'm feeling good, even if I am still exhausted all the time.  Luckily, I do have a husband and parents who really pitch in and take care of everything, except the nausea and vomiting--I really wish someone would step up to the plate and take on that every once in awhile for me.
So, our life is basically put on hold for the first three months of pregnancy--all our social engagements are cancelled, the bare minimum is done around the house and yard, and the same goes for the office.  Then, once I'm finally feeling better, it takes at least a month to try to catch back up on everything and get back into our routine.  And then we want to make up for all the fun we missed out on.  So, what have we been doing---
I did hold my breath through a couple of family birthday and graduation parties and just crossed my fingers I could make it through.  Same for the Clifton Hill School Reunion, where Cliff and I are the youngest attendees by at least 40 years (somehow I got delegated to make the programs). 
The first weekend in June, we had a weekend trip planned to south Missouri.  Knowing I would be 14 weeks along by then--and thinking positively--I was sure I would be over my morning sickness and ready for a getaway.  I was so wrong.  I was not through with morning sickness.  The trip there on four land highway wasn't terribly bad, as long as I kept a piece of candy in my mouth at all times.  But, we decided to be adventurous on the way home and take the "back roads."  On top of that, I get carsick easily when I'm not pregnant, so the two did not mix well.  I was literally crying in the backseat for the last two hours of the trip, trying to get comfortable beside a giant carseat.  Needless to say, that trip involved multiple disgusting stops along the route.  I don't know if I have ever been so glad to get out of a car and throw up in my own bathroom. 
Elephant Rocks State Park

Elephant Rocks State Park

By the next weekend, I was finally feeling a little better.  We put one of our two 1960s firetrucks in the Salisbury Steak Festival parade.  It was a hit and Finley was a natural parade waver.  Finley was also a huge hit at a live concert by Bart & Red that evening.  He was a serious dancer with some serious moves, and he had no plans of stopping.

All but one family on my dad's side (and there are 9 kids, 18 grandkids, and 16 great-grandkids) made it in over the Fourth of  July.  We celebrated my cousin's wedding and had games, food and a hayride at my parents' house.  I was feeling 100% better by then, so a good time was had by all!

Since then, we've been on a roll.  Things are non-stop at the office, at home, and in our social life.  Just like last time, some days I forget I'm pregnant and drink a case of beer...I mean...no, really though, other than being tired, things are going well.  Stay tuned for more adventures that don't include vomiting, at least not vomiting by me.
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