This post is inspired by something that came across my facebook feed the other day. An app called “How Have You Changed Over The Last Years?”
When I saw it, my mind went to work thinking about the last few years. How have I changed? Well, I’ve moved from a few blocks south of downtown Kansas City to a gravel road that doesn’t even register on some GPS devices. I’ve gotten married. Had a baby. Completely remodeled our house starting from the studs. Built a three car shop/garage. Added cows, calves, chickens, hunting dogs, and pigeons to our farm. Gone from counseling in a high school of 1500 students to teaching in a Kansas City alternative school to subbing in an elementary school of less than 300 to managing our own law firm, to staying at home with our babe. I’ve become more political. More grateful. More appreciative. Happier.
It seems like a lot has changed for me over the last five years. But the app gave me these results:
(leaving the KC downtown airport in a helicopter with my mom and sister)
(a road trip to Indiana for a law school friend’s wedding)
(with a TERRIBLE migraine at Elvis’s birthplace in Tupelo, Mississippi on the way to Gulf Shores)
(three months pregnant and celebrating birthdays at my parents’ house)
(at the Dallas, TX arboretum with the fam)
Pretty much the same weight, hair length, hair color…solid color shirts–I’m even wearing a black shirt in three out of the five pictures–hair parted in exactly the same spot…not much has changed in my appearance.
I haven’t yet decided if I’m mad at the app for making me seem so incredibly boring, or if I am going to take a cue from the app and make a change. We went on a date a few weeks ago and saw Burnt and I was totally digging Sienna Miller’s half-buzzed ‘do…
Then again, in five more years, I’ll likely look exactly the same.
When I saw it, my mind went to work thinking about the last few years. How have I changed? Well, I’ve moved from a few blocks south of downtown Kansas City to a gravel road that doesn’t even register on some GPS devices. I’ve gotten married. Had a baby. Completely remodeled our house starting from the studs. Built a three car shop/garage. Added cows, calves, chickens, hunting dogs, and pigeons to our farm. Gone from counseling in a high school of 1500 students to teaching in a Kansas City alternative school to subbing in an elementary school of less than 300 to managing our own law firm, to staying at home with our babe. I’ve become more political. More grateful. More appreciative. Happier.
It seems like a lot has changed for me over the last five years. But the app gave me these results:





Pretty much the same weight, hair length, hair color…solid color shirts–I’m even wearing a black shirt in three out of the five pictures–hair parted in exactly the same spot…not much has changed in my appearance.
I haven’t yet decided if I’m mad at the app for making me seem so incredibly boring, or if I am going to take a cue from the app and make a change. We went on a date a few weeks ago and saw Burnt and I was totally digging Sienna Miller’s half-buzzed ‘do…
Then again, in five more years, I’ll likely look exactly the same.