
CLIFTON HILL, MISSOURI—  444 Milam Street has never glowed with as much love and light-hearted companionship as the annual Grotewiel Christmas, which occurred on December 29, 2012 with 35 guests in attendance. 

The venue of this annual party had been changed, as the party in past years occurred in Bynumville, Missouri.  This location was unavailable, but Professional Party Planner (PPP) Debbie Grotewiel had concluded that Family is of paramount importance, and that the party must live on.   

Debbie was unavailable for comment (several sources have speculated she is hung-over and still recovering, but this was never confirmed).  However, her trustworthy assistant and roommate, Jacob Grotewiel sat down with the Coon Dog Lane North Tribune to share his thoughts on the occasion:

Having a party of this magnitude is not something that I undertake lightly.  So much planning and preparation is required to make sure the event is successful.  I will be the first to admit that I was cautious about such a large social function, however Debbie and I sat down and discussed the possibility and details, and I became the party’s most ardent supporter.  The only regret I have is that I wish I would have been granted more leeway with the party’s presentation, but after Debbie has seen the job performed -- I have no doubt that my role will be expanded in future events.   
            On being asked about the recent change in his living arrangements, Jacob responded that he moved home to help Debbie plan parties.  “It was a purely selfless act, I know that Debbie is not as young as she used to be, but she still deserves parties. I just could not provide the support she needed for parties while living twelve miles away.”   
            Several noteworthy events occurred at the Grotewiel Chirstmas, including Lisa Grotewiel announcing her engagement to Dr. David Kiene.  She has requested for all guests of the upcoming Cooper County Ceremony to bring Party (Silly) String in an attempt to compete with the other three sets of upcoming nuptials in the Grotewiel family.
            The Coon Dog Lane North Tribune only assigned one reporter to the Party, and it goes without saying that not everyone present will be mentioned, but some of those observed are as follows:
            Shane Grotewiel was returned his cooler, misplaced during another wild Grotewiel function.  Shane was assisted at the party by his three kids.  It was widely believed Shane and Crew left the party early to hit Bud’s Place/Westside on the way back to Columbia.  Bud’s Place has Old Milwaukee sippee cups for its youngest clientele.      
            Larry Grotewiel brought a wonderful looking pie to the party.  He let the party know that it was made in his “camper with a lot of love…well, a little love.”  Nobody tried the pie, but all  agreed it looked delicious.     
            The party was almost cancelled whenever Jennifer Grotewiel brought several chairs, tables, and food late to the party.  Jennifer was supposed to be an integral part of the Party Planning Committee (PPC) and it was noticed by all that she let the Committee and most importantly herself down through her tardiness.   The Committee had reconvened to determine if it should terminate the party due to a shortage of tables, when she finally appeared.  The party was salvaged through the Party Planning Committee’s perseverance.    
             Priya Grotwiel was not present at the party, at this time Coon Dog Lane North Tribune has not received an explanation of her absence.
             Derek Grotewiel was fresh back from a Great North American Turtle Hunt, and proceeded to enlighten the party of the processing of turtle meat. 
             Frank Wiemer was present and gave a bold weather prediction.  At the time of this article’s release, it appears he was correct.  Move over, Gary Lezack.  
             Ashley Grotewiel attended the party and was voted Worst Dressed.  She received several helpful comments on how to dress in the future from Assistant Party Planner Jacob Grotewiel. 
             Jim Grotewiel took a suspiciously long smoke break in the shop at several intervals throughout the night.  The Party Planning Committee is seeking an investigation to determine if he was avoiding Duties Delegated.  The Coon Dog Lane North Tribune was informed all Committee investigations are secret until the Final Hearing Results are concluded. 
             Phillip Weimer had a captive audience and at one point, relived several interesting sledding memories from his youth.   It was noticed by several that the presence of Sister Luanna (a Nun) did not deter Phillip’s Ten High consumption. The fact that the Ten High was requested by and belonged to Marion Grotewiel, the matriarch of the family, also did not deter Philip…or Ken.
            The true highlight of the night was the Grotewiel Feast, which as tradition would demand was a great spectacle of homemade meats, vegetables, salads, desserts, and rolls.  The Feast was a delight for all the senses. 
            After the meal, the party commenced to the White Elephant Gift Exchange.  This year, White Elephant Gift dispersal priority was by way of a nice game of Bingo.
            All agreed that the Grotewiel Christmas was a Huge Success.  
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