So, a little more about me and my new life. Then in future posts, we'll move on to more about...well, probably me.
I finished up my school year in Raytown and was very sad to leave, although I knew making this move was what I needed to do. I really, really liked my new school. You have to be kind of quirky to want to, or be able to survive working in an alternative school. Working with a huge bunch of quirky characters makes every day a ton of fun. Also, this quirky bunch of peeps turned out to be some of the most generous and caring people I've ever met. So again, I was sad about leaving.
But, I packed up my things and finally got them to my new place, after three trips to KC with a truck and trailer--two trips which ended with empty trailers and over $100 each in wasted gas, thanks to my ex-husband holding my things, including my women's clothing and shoes, hostage [oops, did that sound bitter? I promise not to go there anymore]--and tried to quickly get settled in.
Getting back into the swing of single life, I ended up hanging out with my brother a lot. My brother hangs out with his friends a lot. So, I ended up hanging out with my brother's friends, too. We were having a ton of fun, and before I knew it, I was hanging out with one particular friend more than the others.
So, I would now like to introduce you to Cliff, who will make frequent appearances in these posts and hopefully even guest post at times. Cliff is the most intelligent, funniest, wittiest, most creative, best looking, biggest hearted guy I know. He graduated Cum Laude from law school and runs a private practice with three office locations, but can be found playing Doodlejump on my phone, asking where he put his wallet, or begging to be tucked into bed. His passions are coon dogs, coon hunting, really anything that is done outdoors, hatching chickens, raising chickens, showing chickens, old country music, creative writing, foreign films, any films, fish or any aqautic life, well, any animals, really, reading, Madden football on the Wii, any app on my iPhone, trying to be as redneck as possible, and drinking...oh, and law. And I love every bit of it.
So, we are officially together in sin, actually. Bunked up in this old one level house that we have completely remodeled together. (More on that later.) And every day is filled with fun and laughter. And we're happy. And it's nice.
I didn't get a job when I moved here. I got here and went straight into working on this house, and helping with the dogs, and the chickens, and completely re-organizing and streamlining the offices. It was pretty hellacious at first. Working from home, but working 15 or 16 hours a day to get things in order. You see, I'm kind of over the top with organization and Cliff is, well, not. Remember he has to ask me where he put his wallet. And no matter how many special places I create and designate for his things or other household items, we have frequent conversations similar to this:
Cliff-"Jenn, do you know where my gloves are?"
Jenn-"Are they where they're supposed to be?"
Cliff-"Where are they supposed to be?"
Jenn-"In the cubby hole in the mud room marked 'gloves'. Remember?"
Cliff-"Oh yeah. They're not there."
Jenn-"Here they are, on the back of the toilet."
But oddly enough, it doesn't bother me. Truthfully, it's pretty fun. So anyway, I worked long and hard and finally feel like I have things working in a smart and efficient way. I still get to work from home most of the time, which is extremely nice. And the days that I do get dressed and go to the office, I enjoy that, too. Some days I get really sick of everyone needing something and everyone needing something RIGHT NOW, especially when everyone we're dealing with created their own messy situation, but there's a downside to every job, I'm sure. I never had any interest in law. I remember my friends wanting to play "court" when we were young and they could rattle off an entire lawsuit no problem. All I knew was "Order in the Court!" That was about the extent of my legal knowledge. But, I'm learning quickly. And I'm truly enjoying it. Cliff and I work really well together, and so far haven't gotten tired of each other, even though we spend basically ALL of our time together.
My new life here seems so peaceful (even with the crabby legal clients), so simple, so free, so fun, and so right.
I finished up my school year in Raytown and was very sad to leave, although I knew making this move was what I needed to do. I really, really liked my new school. You have to be kind of quirky to want to, or be able to survive working in an alternative school. Working with a huge bunch of quirky characters makes every day a ton of fun. Also, this quirky bunch of peeps turned out to be some of the most generous and caring people I've ever met. So again, I was sad about leaving.
But, I packed up my things and finally got them to my new place, after three trips to KC with a truck and trailer--two trips which ended with empty trailers and over $100 each in wasted gas, thanks to my ex-husband holding my things, including my women's clothing and shoes, hostage [oops, did that sound bitter? I promise not to go there anymore]--and tried to quickly get settled in.
Getting back into the swing of single life, I ended up hanging out with my brother a lot. My brother hangs out with his friends a lot. So, I ended up hanging out with my brother's friends, too. We were having a ton of fun, and before I knew it, I was hanging out with one particular friend more than the others.
So, I would now like to introduce you to Cliff, who will make frequent appearances in these posts and hopefully even guest post at times. Cliff is the most intelligent, funniest, wittiest, most creative, best looking, biggest hearted guy I know. He graduated Cum Laude from law school and runs a private practice with three office locations, but can be found playing Doodlejump on my phone, asking where he put his wallet, or begging to be tucked into bed. His passions are coon dogs, coon hunting, really anything that is done outdoors, hatching chickens, raising chickens, showing chickens, old country music, creative writing, foreign films, any films, fish or any aqautic life, well, any animals, really, reading, Madden football on the Wii, any app on my iPhone, trying to be as redneck as possible, and drinking...oh, and law. And I love every bit of it.
So, we are officially together in sin, actually. Bunked up in this old one level house that we have completely remodeled together. (More on that later.) And every day is filled with fun and laughter. And we're happy. And it's nice.
I didn't get a job when I moved here. I got here and went straight into working on this house, and helping with the dogs, and the chickens, and completely re-organizing and streamlining the offices. It was pretty hellacious at first. Working from home, but working 15 or 16 hours a day to get things in order. You see, I'm kind of over the top with organization and Cliff is, well, not. Remember he has to ask me where he put his wallet. And no matter how many special places I create and designate for his things or other household items, we have frequent conversations similar to this:
Cliff-"Jenn, do you know where my gloves are?"
Jenn-"Are they where they're supposed to be?"
Cliff-"Where are they supposed to be?"
Jenn-"In the cubby hole in the mud room marked 'gloves'. Remember?"
Cliff-"Oh yeah. They're not there."
Jenn-"Here they are, on the back of the toilet."
But oddly enough, it doesn't bother me. Truthfully, it's pretty fun. So anyway, I worked long and hard and finally feel like I have things working in a smart and efficient way. I still get to work from home most of the time, which is extremely nice. And the days that I do get dressed and go to the office, I enjoy that, too. Some days I get really sick of everyone needing something and everyone needing something RIGHT NOW, especially when everyone we're dealing with created their own messy situation, but there's a downside to every job, I'm sure. I never had any interest in law. I remember my friends wanting to play "court" when we were young and they could rattle off an entire lawsuit no problem. All I knew was "Order in the Court!" That was about the extent of my legal knowledge. But, I'm learning quickly. And I'm truly enjoying it. Cliff and I work really well together, and so far haven't gotten tired of each other, even though we spend basically ALL of our time together.
My new life here seems so peaceful (even with the crabby legal clients), so simple, so free, so fun, and so right.