Although I always think of myself as a go-getter, on-top-of-things, proactive kind of gal, it turns out I really may just be a procrastinating slacker.  Just ask my family--the people to whom I promised a sentimental, charming, keepsake DVD of my grandmother...six years ago...still unfinished...still sitting in my office closet collecting dust and getting outdated.  So, I started this blog back in 2009 only to drop the ball in 2011.  Then, two months ago, a couple of friends requested I grease up the 'ole typing fingers again and have a go at this blogging thing again.  It sounded like a good idea.  I missed writing.  And I feel like my days are now even more adventurous than they were two or three years ago.  So, bear with me--I'm a little rusty, my posts will probably be shorter this time around, and I can absolutely promise they won't be daily.  But, I hope you will find some entertainment, stick with me, and enjoy reading what I do end up posting here.  And if you all got together and decided to host "Back Where I Come From" flash mob reading parties or something, that would be okay with me, too.

Also, bear with my typos and grammatical errors.  I'm a stickler for that kind of stuff, but when I was blogging before, I would get in a hurry to post something or just be plain tired of staring at my computer screen and end up missing a lot of errors.  I would spend half my time with a post just deciding how to say something or how to punctuation or how to spell or how to whatever.  I just spent about ten minutes deciding how to write that sentence in the first paragraph containing "to whom"... and now I keep re-reading this paragraph and adding commas, deleting commas, changing words, adding words ... but I am going to try not to be so critical this time around.  Although, I guess I'm not off to a great start, am I? With that said, I'm forecasting lots of english teacher slaps on the hand.  Don't judge.

A lot has changed in my life since I left "Sunny Side Up" (my old blog).  Married life ended up not agreeing with me as I had expected.  Or more like my husband just didn't agree with me as I expected.  Either way, it didn't work out.  Difficult decision, difficult times, difficult to comprehend, difficult, difficult, difficult, but I survived, and feel very, very happy to be where I am now.  On top of making the decision to get divorced, I then had to decide what the hell I was going to do with my life from there.  I had been in Kansas City for ten years and built a life around my place in that world.  I had held the same job all that time, made good friends,  found my favorite spots around the city... but everything began holding unwanted memories for me.  And I needed some serious support.  Where better to get that than "back where I come from"?  So, after a lot of soul-searching I decided to give up my job (I had just taken a new job in the school district, actually using my degree as a Rec Therapist, and absolutely LOVED it) and move back to rural-Missouri to be closer to family.

So far, it's the best decision I've ever made.  I'm happy here, I feel peaceful, I'm happy, I love my life, I'm happy, and did I mention, I'm happy?  So anyway, I've taken down my old posts so we can start fresh, just like my real life has gotten a fresh start.  I also changed the name of the blog to accommodate this fresh start.  And most exciting, it's no longer locked down like Fort Knox because I NO LONGER WORK IN A SCHOOL and therefore can be as uncensored as I want.  (Hopefully I won't run all of you off by post #3!)

More on my new life later.  For now, it feels so good to get back in the swing of things and I can't wait to read your comments and keep the posts coming!
3 Responses
  1. Rocket Man 34 Says:

    This should be an exciting ride, however I will expect this blog to contain several references about yourself in third person...

  2. Yay for a return to blogging! I'm anxious to hear how things are going in your life ... and to read a chronicle of the homeland. :)

  3. RachellOv Says:

    Welcome back, Jenn .. welcome back!