There are most definitely bonuses to owning your own business, but owning your own law business--it can be stressful. So because Cliff is really good at marking vacation days on the calendar way in advance, we were able to make a nice getaway on Tuesday. We left Huntsville and blindly took off on a very long road trip with a six month old. The Jeep is packed to the brim, because if I wasn't guilty of overpacking before traveling with a baby...
Finn actually has turned out to be a model traveler. Perhaps better than his mother even. He did great in the car and his naps and feeding times just fell into place perfectly with our schedule.
We made our first impromptu stop at the Joplin, Missouri sale barn. (Guess whose idea that was.)
There was no sale on Tuesday, but they just happened to be hosting a presentation by the USDA on judging cattle. None of it was new to Cliff, but I learned a ton, along with 100 high school FFA students. I even aced most of the live practice rounds! We got back in the car and dreadfully drove into Oklahoma smelling like cow manure.
We stopped in Muskogee for the night. Cliff's cousin works for a hotel chain so we use her Friends and Family discount whenever we can. It always makes me laugh when we check in though, because the front desk doesn't know if you're the employee or a friend or family. In Muskogee, they weren't going to risk anything though, and I think this front desk woman imagined that I was the CEO. She was sweet as pie, not just nice like all the others have been, but over-the-top, I-can-not-lose-my-job-nice. She had our reservation out and ready to go, and it went down like this:
"Hi, we have a reservation."
"Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried that you weren't going to make it!"
"Really? Isn't it only 8:30?"
"Well yes, but the weather!"
"Oh, it's 60 degrees out there."
"Oh, but it's coming. There's supposed to be ice and even snow. And it's so cold!"
"Really? When is that supposed to start?" (Getting worried about getting out of Muskogee the next morning.)
"Well, I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the Muskogee public library has already cancelled all of their programs for tomorrow."
"Oh my! Okay..."
"And the courthouse isn't going to have court."
(You should have led with that one, lady.)
"And Auto Zone isn't going to open!"
(Am I on Candid Camera?)
"So, you better get in your room and bundle up and stay warm! Oh, you work...oh, don't you just love working for [insert hotel chain name here]. It is just the greatest. I can't think of a better job or place to work."
Then we finished up the paperwork and got into our room expecting to wake up to Snow-M-G.
After we were in our room about five minutes, the phone rang. I answered and it was the front desk lady.
"I just wanted to check with you all and make sure you made it in and everything in your room is okay."
When I hung up Cliff and I laughed wishing people thought I was from Corporate everywhere we went.
In the end, I felt terrible though. We went down to check out the pool and spa only to find two employees in the hot tub and the front desk lady hanging out with them. She whispered quickly and the guys jumped out and they all left hastily with her reminding us again to stay warm...and calling Finley a girl.
I hated to ruin their fun evening, but no one ever said being top dog was easy.
And that weather--it was Snow way, Jose--just raining the next morning. In her defense, I think they may have gotten some snow and ice later in the day. I just hope no Muskogians needed new windshield wipers in that rain, because we all know Auto Zone was closed.
Oh, and before any creepers go trying to break in The Manor while we're gone, both brothers are on a housesitting schedule, which is good for keeping all our belongings, but bad for keeping all our belongings clean and unbroken. *unless we previously discussed which of Cliff's vehicles and a certain smelly pillow to take, and then all systems are go for the staged robbery.
Also, is there some kind of blogger award for typing on an iPad mini, cause that's what I just did, ya'll.