Today I'm reviewing the aden + anais burpy bib.  I'll tell you up front that we love it.  It's great if you have your own babes or it would make an awesome baby shower or baby arrival gift for anyone.
I happen to love almost all aden + anais products I've tried to date, but these burpy bibs even surpassed their swaddling blankets for me.
 The burpy bib is a bib and a burp cloth.  And anything that serves a dual purpose is a good friend of mine.  I wish we had bought stocks in burp cloths before Finley's arrival.  Little did I know just how often and what large quantities this kid was going to douse us in after every feeding.   I'm talking three or four clothes changes a day...for each of us.  It really made getting dressed going out in public something we dreaded.  Okay, so maybe we actually dreaded getting dressed also.  Anyway, we struggled to find a bib that was comfortable for Finn, but big enough to catch everything that was coming back up to re-join us.  My sister gave us a cute one made by Darling Droolers.  The coverage was good, but we found the furry backing made Finn hot and it was too bulky to use when he was in the carseat.  Also, apparently a gray chevron pattern makes people think your baby boy is a baby girl.  Although we still have people thinking he's a girl (which I'm pretty sure is due to the long, curly locks at this point) so maybe that will be a blog for another day.
At about five months, the spitting up slowed down some, and once we started solid foods a little over a month ago, it has slowed down considerably.   He does still spit up after almost every meal, but it's not in super-soaker amounts anymore.  These burpy bibs would have been great for around the house in those first five months.  However, I think they would have also been too bulky in the carseat, and I'm not sure they would have been a stout enough burp rag. You basically needed a poncho to burp our boy.
Now, with less spit-up, they are perfect though.  I love how it fits just right over the shoulder for burping, and I love the cotton muslin material.  They are very absorbent, which is a must.
They are the best bib we've come across by far.  It gives complete 360 degree coverage, and is a "snap" to snap on.
Even Finn likes them!
(He said he put his little paw out there in case anyone reading this is in search of a baby hand model.)
We got our first burpy bib in our Citrus Lane monthly subscription box (another post on Citrus Lane later).
I ordered our others from Amazon.  Our first pick was the special edition RED set because 10% of the retail price goes to the Global Fund to fight AIDS.  (Side note: I was totally on the (PRODUCT)RED bandwagon fresh out of college--thought it was brilliant marketing--and am still sad that I rarely see any products anymore.)  Purchasing just one set of RED burpy bibs can provide five days of medicine to help prevent a mother living with HIV from passing the virus to her baby.

But beware, apparently red star and circle patterns also make your baby boy look like a girl.  Okay, maybe it's still just that he needs a haircut and we refuse to let him have one.
They come in tons and tons of cute patterns and I have seen them range from $11 to $27 for a two pack.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below.
We give the burpy bibs five clean burpy bibs diapers!

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