We watched Oklahoma disappear in the rear view mirror and headed into the Lone Star state. We stopped in Dallas to see my sister and then took off for Houston.
A little over a year ago, Cliff and I were headed back to Missouri from Gulf Shores, Alabama when I kept suggesting that we stop for gas. We didn't, and before long we were rolling down I-70 when our low fuel light came on outside of St. Louis. Cliff was driving and thought it was funny that he was pushing the gas tank to the limit. I did not find it funny. Two exits later, he finally exited off the interstate, only to pull into a gas station with sixteen of their sixteen pumps not working! We luckily made it to another station without hoofing it down the highway, but Cliff was nervous that his teasing had gotten us into a real pickle. Little did I know at the time, no lesson was learned.
Wednesday night we were barreling down I-45 when things got city-ish about two hours north of Houston. Cliff does NOT like to drive in the city. In fact, if he meets more than fifteen cars on a commute to court he comes home reporting the traffic was bad. I don't mind city driving at all, so it all works out well for us on long road trips when it comes to taking turns driving. When I-45 turned from four lanes to six, I offered to drive. When we got to a 1/4 tank of gas, I offered to drive. When six lanes turned to eight, I offered to drive. When eight lanes turned to ten, I offered to drive. And then, the gas light came on. I could not believe we were re-living our past, only this time we were 800 miles from home instead of 150. Cliff finally got off the interstate and to a gas station. We pulled up to the pump and I kid you not, all twenty of the twenty pumps were not working. Cliff didn't drive again until we were half way to San Antonio today. 
We loved Houston. We spent most of Thursday at NASA where Cliff says my "true geek shines through."  We saw the actual Mission Control room from the moon landing, several actual shuttles, rockets, and spacesuits, and a completely unrelated replica of the tallest man ever born. 

That night we enjoyed the weather, palm trees and water along the boardwalk. 

This morning we took a cruise around the port, had a good lunch recommended by Guy Fieri, shopped at the Texas Junk Company, saw a house made entirely of beer cans, and drove down some beautiful tree-lined streets. 

We made it to San Antonio this evening and had the best Tex-Mex of our lives (minus the part where a waitress kept calling herself Finley's grandma {super creepy, right?} and saying she wanted to take him home with her.)
I have two snoring boys in bed with me so until we see what tomorrow brings, good night!
(Again, all on the iPad mini. Seriously.)

1 Response
  1. I'm loving these blog posts Jennifer! Looks like you guys are having a great time.

    Waitresses that are "too" nice are always a little too creepy!! :)