The original purpose of re-starting my blog was to share the hysterically funny things that happen in Small Town, USA...where I now live.  It has started off as being more about the funny things that happen in my personal life, rather than the things that happen because of my move to the Boonies. 

So, I do plan to blog more about my country life in the future (you know, like meeting more Amish buggies than cars on the highway).  Today, I may already be meeting my goal.  I think this is a small town thing, but correct me if I'm wrong. 

Trivia Night.

Trivia Night is a Saturday evening fundraising event, usually held at a school gymnasium or local community hall.  It consists of about 20 teams (or 3 teams at one in which we participated) of 8-10 people each, answering 8-10 questions each in 8-10 different categories.  Answer sheets are graded at the end of each round and points are tallied.  A limited number of mulligans can be used.  And there are usually side games, like word association or movie titles based on dvd covers, for extra donations happening throughout the evening. 

Is this happening in the cities? 

We. Love. Trivia Night.  Especially the ones that have free beer.  Oh, I forgot to mention (and this has to be a small town thing) that everyone brings a homemade dish to share with all participants.  So, they set up a long row of tables, full of snacks, several coolers full of beer and soda, and everyone feeds their faces and has a really good time. 

In 2012, we competed in six Trivia Nights.  In all six we came in as the second place team.  Our motto became: Always a Bridesmaid, Never the Bride.

Saturday night we competed in our first Trivia Night of 2013.  We had honed our Trivia Night process.  We had set up the octfecta of trivia perfection--my mom, my dad, my uncle Bob, his girlfriend Chris, my aunt Lisa, her fiance David, my brother Jacob, and me.  (Cliff couldn't play because he was hosting the gig.) 

We each played an integral part at least once.  I'm sad to say my moment of "ringer" fame was when I was the only one that could identify Gary the Snail from Spongebob.

After ten rounds of ten questions each, the scoreboard was final and the winner was announced.


Our team--Dog Without A Bun--took the blue ribbon!  We came in FIRST PLACE! 

And Cliff swears, that as the official scorekeeper, he did not rig our score.

So, here's to 2013 being our year.
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Ask Debbie about the other contest she entered......a pumpkin growing contest.

    Needless to say, Cinderella didn't grow her carriage.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Somebody also beat her in a foot race, during the wild west shootout at Blackwater.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Who won at boocie ball last summer on the sandbar?