The other day at my parents' house, we told Finley to "get ready to go outside."  He came into the kitchen wearing this:
his rain boots and my mom's visor.

This cracks me up on its own, but it cracks me up more because we always joke about my mom's visor addiction during the summer.  But it really, really cracks me up because when my brother was about the same age, he was riding my sister's brand-new-straight-from-Santa lavender Big Wheel around the house and pulled up beside me looking like this:

He said, "Beep beep.  Hi.  I'm Debbie."  It is probably the very first thing I ever remember him saying as a toddler.  Apparently my mom had been wearing the hat all winter and he associated it with her.

This all makes me laugh even more because when I think of my mom, I never think of her as a hat person.  I mean, this is our family on a normal day:

(Just for the record, that is not a disgusting neck sweat stain on my black shirt.  It was some design made out of tulle and it did not photograph well.  I never wore that shirt again.)