I don't want to take away from Cliff's sweet offer to guest blog about the wedding, so with little introduction, here it is:

Tying the knot.  Observations from a guest blogger. 

Hello all.  As you may have already heard, Jennifer and I became husband and wife on June 1st.  In no particular order (either importance, chronological, or otherwise) are some observations of the evening:
·         First of all, man did Jennifer mess up!  I can’t believe she actually married me.  After she agreed initially to the idea, I kept trying to move the date up.   I was sweating up until the completion of the vows.  Even during the ceremony when Reverend Howell paused (I’m sure longer than usual but shorter than his conscience should have dictated) during the ceremony for any objections, I thought “surely she is going to come to her senses.”       But she never did, and I am so thankful she didn’t!  It can’t be easy living with a child (or his coonhounds).    She is honestly the most caring, sincere person that I know.     As long as I can keep her away from Louis Mendoza, I am going to stay the happiest guy around!
·         Cowboy Bart and His Imaginary Band performed an evening of music, which was enjoyed by all. Bart really dressed for the occasion in his overalls and necktie.
·         We were all glad to see Uncle Steve-O attend the wedding.  I never did get a picture with him, however he did leave a bombshell in our powder room. 
·         All in attendance witnessed my law school friend Craig Emig attempt to back-up his father’s camper.  Anytime one is having difficulty backing a trailer it seems there are several experts around.  Advice is given, irrelevant if advice was solicited.    After several failed attempts, Jennifer called our Famed Huntsville Fire Department Chief, who got everything squared away (those dents may buff out, Craig).
·         Many guests were not in attendance, although they had been invited.  I guess Jennifer should have listened to me about sending wedding stationary certified.  One guest had a pass though, as Bobby Hayward was jailed earlier that evening due to a skirmish outside McTag’s Bar & Grill.
·         My dear Great Aunt Lu and Jenn’s dear Aunt Vicki had a stern disagreement.  Emotions ran high and the tension built in the kitchen leading up to the Wedding Dinner.  Luckily, pugilistic advances were avoided and a great meal was served.
·         During the ceremony, going to very few weddings, and following no rehearsal, I promptly grabbed Jenn’s hand during the walking-up-part of the ceremony.  This may have embarrassed the bride.  Almost as much as the ring bearers (my brother George and her brother Jacob) standing on the incorrect side of their respective station.
·         Our good friend Reverend Earl Howell performed the ceremony.   He did an awesome job, although he didn’t get much cooperation from the crowd.  For example, Jim Grotewiel was not sure Jennifer was his to give away. …
·         Another good friend and fellow local attorney Robert Wheeler was in attendance of the wedding dinner and party, and he communicated that he saw a rainbow on his way to the event.  He explained that this was a very auspicious sign.  It also rained briefly, but only for about five minutes during the ceremony.  So I guess the good omen/bad omen score was even.   Doug Jaeqcues said the over/under on the marriage was 5, but I’m not a stat guy.
·         All who know good horseshoe gamesmanship witnessed Papa Warner Gordon beat all at the historical Johnson Horseshoe Pit, est. 1973.  Needless to say, he came through on several guarantees.
·         Neighbor Lucas Galland stopped by and drank lots of wedding beer with the groom and ring-bearers, but he came the night before.  He did not make it to the wedding.
·         The Kenny Chesney award (lamest of the party—this award excludes Shane Grotewiel as he is the Kenny Chesney Award Winner Emeritus), was very close at this event, with two of the bride’s immediate family leading the race.  Jacob was by far the first to pass out for the evening; however he gets a pass (however slight) for getting intoxicated that morning and having a hangover during the wedding.   The bride’s sister, Ashley actually won this one going away.  She had an “illness” and left early but was later found at the local tavern.  She is still on the prayer list at church. 
·         Emily Thornburg had a romantic ride home in a full size van.   It was rumored she had to throw in for gas, as his tank was on empty.  Clint just had enough money for a couple quarts of transmission fluid. 
·         Pete Berry had a nice campout at the Vacation Lodge (George’s giant tent).  He had a nice tumble later, but he never did go on the disabled list.
·         The party lasted until 6:00 a.m.   Unfortunately, Jennifer and I could not stay out that late.  We were constantly harassed about “consummating” our marriage until I gave in.  According to our guests, we must have been wed under some archaic feudal dark-age law in which consummation is of utmost importance.  I don’t know much Latin, and the chanting got old, so I just agreed.   I woke up with glow necklaces around my neck. 
·         Jennifer had a lovely wedding dress.  I didn’t even know Goodwill had such a large selection (I kid, I kid).  But I asked her if she wanted to change out of it on at least one occasion.  She refused and by the end of the night it was extremely muddy.   Unless Doug is right, she won’t need it again anyway.
·         We were forced to have a dollar dance.  I had one person buy a dance with me.  Jaime Emig (she was from out of town and had never witnessed my wrath on the dance floor).  By the way, isn’t it rude to ask for a refund?
·         Our local sawmill gang showed up.  Ferg and Gump both graced us with their presence.  Both had passed out at various times in the night.  
·         We even had some uninvited guests in the form of deputy sheriffs.  I never got to thank them for securing our gravel road.
·         Gillis and Marilyn Leonard (Gillis being another local attorney and dear friend) made it out to our party.  We enjoyed and appreciated all of our guests.   I would say more, however Jennifer posted on his column in a previous blog.
·         Chris Shoemaker, if you are reading this, I would like to inform you that you left your Boone Hospital whiskey drinking jug.  
·         My first cousin (once removed) Luke Thornburg, ate approximately twenty pumpkin pies. These were very cute small personalized baked items, but his gluttonous actions were admired by all that he met.  

·         This isn’t a news blog, but Chris Weimer has changed his first name to Catfish.  I don’t know if he is planning on becoming a baseball player, an extra on one of those movies that would cast him, tax evasion, or if he just needed a new beginning, but I commend bold actions.  Please tell his roommates.  
I know, I know.  I keep promising to blog more, and then it just doesn't happen.  Up there somewhere in my empty head space, I do keep thinking I am going to get more frequent with the posts.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
My crazed fans have been asking for a blog about this...
Cliff and I had some excitement on June 1st!  About a month earlier, we sent out these little gems:

And then June 1st rolled around and we jumped the broom under a handmade, rustic arch in our backyard with our immediate families there.  Then we had a beautiful and delicious dinner under our giant old tree in the backyard, then many more friends and family arrived and we danced the night away under the stars.  

More details to come, but for now, we'll share this:  Our good friend and well-known local attorney writes a weekly newspaper column and included us last week.