I've been clicking along with my 52 small changes, and here's how it's going:
Week Three--Keep Off the Couch
Week Three--Keep Off the Couch
The Change: Apart from exercise, incorporate regular and routine activity into your lifestyle.
I pretty much had this one whipped already. Since Cliff got me a Garmin Vivofit a couple years ago, I make a real effort to get at least 10,000 steps in each day. And with the Vivofit, that little red line pops up to tell me to move. I don't always pay attention to it, but I try to. (Anyone else using the Vivofit? If so, let's connect!) I've also been getting back into my yoga routine. With the weather warming up, we've been outside pretty much every free second we have. Seriously, we will spend like ten hours a day outside if we have a free Saturday, for example. We all three love to be outdoors, and there is always plenty to do around the yard and pasture, so we stay pretty active. We literally haven't watched tv since mid-March (which really makes me question why we pay an arm and a leg for satellite), but that will change with the Royals home opener this evening (which is why we pay an arm and a leg for satellite.)
Week Four--Keep a Food Journal
The Change: Keep a food journal, and track everything you eat and drink each day.
Okay, I didn't even attempt this one. Yet. This is one of our busiest times of the year. Seems like every day we're supposed to be in six different places, sometimes all at the same time. And, I've never had much success when I've tried a food journal before. I really do want to attempt this, at least for a week (although I really don't need a food journal to tell me that I eat way too much Casey's pizza or that I shouldn't be eating this candy bar as I type), but I know the only way I'll do it is if I have an easy app to use on my phone. Any good suggestions?
Week Five--See the Glass as Half Full
The Change: Develop an optimistic outlook.
I feel like I've mostly got this one in the bag, too. I can remember back in high school people describing me as optimistic and patient. I've lost a little of that since then, but overall I'm a pretty optimistic person. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can complain about something until I'm blue in the face, but in the end, I usually look at the bright side of things. Working in the school, it was easy to get bogged down in the negativity of the system and the politics of it all, but it was easy to be positive with the students, which kept me in good practice. Luckily, Cliff is a really positive and optimistic person, too. And if we don't stay optimistic in dealing with the law office, we'd just be so jaded and bitter that we'd have to hole up in a cave somewhere and live off the grid!
Week Six--Take a Multivitamin
The Change: Take a multivitamin every day.
We all three take our multivitamins pretty regularly. Cliff and I are both really good about making sure Finley gets his every morning, but I often forget to take my own. (Which is really ridiculous considering ours sit right next to Finley's on the diaper changing station.) I even have a reminder set in my phone, and often ignore it. I am now making an effort to take mine when I give Finley his, and it's working great.
As far as Weeks One and Two, I'm hanging in there fairly well. I've been using Lemon essential oil in my water and am drinking more than I used to, but not as much as I should. Sleep depends on Finley. Overall, it's going really well!
How's it going for you?