So, one of the things I forgot about growing up in a small town is that you spend a lot of time making up your own entertainment, like floating a local river with inflated tractor tire tubes and a cooler in the summer, or sledding on an old car hood pulled behind a truck in the winter.

A couple of weekends ago, Jacob, Cliff and I decided to go bowling on a Friday night.  Bowling wasn't enough entertainment, we had to liven it up some more.

After we agreed to bowl at our own risk...

We created a new challenge.  You had to walk like a chicken when you bowled.  I don't know why, but it's the funniest thing I'd ever seen in a bowling alley.

Here's Jacob:

And here's Cliff:

Luckily, when Cliff thought he was recording me, he actually wasn't, so I didn't get caught on film, which is really good since I completely lost my balance at the end, fell backwards, and did a sad version of a crab walk for a minute before getting up.  All in all, it may have been even more entertaining for the groups on the other lanes than it was for us.

And then this week they announced the bowling alley would be closing...  Which makes two bowling alleys that I've possibly had a part in closing down, but that's a story for another time.  


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