I seem to get a lot of enjoyment out of teasing Cliff about his past girlfriends, current girlfriends that I just make up out of the blue, or future girlfriends that are also figments of my imagination. (Anyone calling the looney bin for my admittance yet?) It tends to bring lots of laughs for both of us.
So, when one of the Judges emailed recently and said she would like Cliff to attend an event...AS HER GUEST...it gave me plenty of fodder to work with.
"Ooooh, now you're dating the Honorable Judge So and So"
"I didn't realize you were into Cougars."
"Now I see why you have so many cases in that court."
So what if the event was a Rotary Club meeting. So what if she was inviting him because a Missouri Supreme Court Judge was the speaker. So what if he had just emailed to use her as a reference and she was just responding because he was fresh on her mind. Still good fodder.
What makes it so funny for me is that Cliff seems to be a little nervous that it could be real. Whenever I tease him, I can see the little wheels in his head turning in concern that she may really be asking him on a date. Since I know she's not, I get enjoyment from seeing him squirm a little. (Anyone wondering why he's dating me yet?)
This week, which we thought was going to be a breeze, turned into a hellacious one. Cliff worked all day and night Sunday for a trial on Monday. We had a loooong day at the office (plus the trial) on Monday. We both worked all night Monday for a trial on Tuesday. Ended up being in court from 9am until 5pm on Tuesday with only 30 minutes for lunch and one 10 minute recess. Then Wednesday and Thursday ended up filling up last minute with court and office appointments, turning days we thought we were going to have off into nine hour days at the office.
On Wednesday, we ran next door to a gas station for lunch. (So busy, we were eating gas station lunch. Okay, so I love this particular gas station's food, but still, it sounds busy, doesn't it?) On our walk back to the office, a very pretty young girl walked up to us in the parking lot. She was dressed very professionally. She approached us and the conversation went like this:
Pretty Girl: Hi, Cliff.
My Thought Bubble: Oh, I recognize her. I used to babysit her.
Cliff: Hi.
Pretty Girl: You don't know who I am, do you?
My Thought Bubble: What the hell? Does she have a baby with Cliff and she's just now telling him about it or something?
Cliff: Uh, no.
(Pretty Girl lifts her glasses off her face, but says nothing.)
(Loooooong awkward silence.)
Me: Diana. It's Diana.
Cliff: Okay. I know who you are now.
Pretty Girl: Well, I was just in Keytesville and I wanted to stop by and see you.
Cliff: (assuming she needed legal services) Okay. Well, you can come into the office.
Pretty Girl: Well, I just wanted to see you and visit a little.
My Thought Bubble: Now what the hell? I think she is here to ask him on a date! A real date. Not one of my made up dates that I use to tease him.
It turns out, this girl now sells Aflac and she was stopping in to see if he would want to take out a group business policy. After she left and we got inside I couldn't wait to tell him that I had thought she was asking him on a date. This was going to be SO funny. But before I could tell him, he said, "Geez. I thought she was stopping by to ask me on a date." And he was completely serious.
So, it's usually funny to see him squirm because he thinks my pretend dates could be real, but then when it really could be a very pretty young girl asking him on a date...it's not so funny anymore. Well, we still laughed about it all. But it had the potential not to be funny, at least for me.
So, when one of the Judges emailed recently and said she would like Cliff to attend an event...AS HER GUEST...it gave me plenty of fodder to work with.
"Ooooh, now you're dating the Honorable Judge So and So"
"I didn't realize you were into Cougars."
"Now I see why you have so many cases in that court."
So what if the event was a Rotary Club meeting. So what if she was inviting him because a Missouri Supreme Court Judge was the speaker. So what if he had just emailed to use her as a reference and she was just responding because he was fresh on her mind. Still good fodder.
What makes it so funny for me is that Cliff seems to be a little nervous that it could be real. Whenever I tease him, I can see the little wheels in his head turning in concern that she may really be asking him on a date. Since I know she's not, I get enjoyment from seeing him squirm a little. (Anyone wondering why he's dating me yet?)
This week, which we thought was going to be a breeze, turned into a hellacious one. Cliff worked all day and night Sunday for a trial on Monday. We had a loooong day at the office (plus the trial) on Monday. We both worked all night Monday for a trial on Tuesday. Ended up being in court from 9am until 5pm on Tuesday with only 30 minutes for lunch and one 10 minute recess. Then Wednesday and Thursday ended up filling up last minute with court and office appointments, turning days we thought we were going to have off into nine hour days at the office.
On Wednesday, we ran next door to a gas station for lunch. (So busy, we were eating gas station lunch. Okay, so I love this particular gas station's food, but still, it sounds busy, doesn't it?) On our walk back to the office, a very pretty young girl walked up to us in the parking lot. She was dressed very professionally. She approached us and the conversation went like this:
Pretty Girl: Hi, Cliff.
My Thought Bubble: Oh, I recognize her. I used to babysit her.
Cliff: Hi.
Pretty Girl: You don't know who I am, do you?
My Thought Bubble: What the hell? Does she have a baby with Cliff and she's just now telling him about it or something?
Cliff: Uh, no.
(Pretty Girl lifts her glasses off her face, but says nothing.)
(Loooooong awkward silence.)
Me: Diana. It's Diana.
Cliff: Okay. I know who you are now.
Pretty Girl: Well, I was just in Keytesville and I wanted to stop by and see you.
Cliff: (assuming she needed legal services) Okay. Well, you can come into the office.
Pretty Girl: Well, I just wanted to see you and visit a little.
My Thought Bubble: Now what the hell? I think she is here to ask him on a date! A real date. Not one of my made up dates that I use to tease him.
It turns out, this girl now sells Aflac and she was stopping in to see if he would want to take out a group business policy. After she left and we got inside I couldn't wait to tell him that I had thought she was asking him on a date. This was going to be SO funny. But before I could tell him, he said, "Geez. I thought she was stopping by to ask me on a date." And he was completely serious.
So, it's usually funny to see him squirm because he thinks my pretend dates could be real, but then when it really could be a very pretty young girl asking him on a date...it's not so funny anymore. Well, we still laughed about it all. But it had the potential not to be funny, at least for me.
It is fun to see Clff squirm!